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Masterclass with Ameriga

Started on 11 mars 202310h-13hCost Fr 80.- 70.-

We are super excited to host Ameriga Giannone for a Masterclass that brings together profound spiritual teachings, journaling prompts and an intense and creative vinyasa sequence garnished with immersive music and kirtan

What is spirituality, and why does it even matter in our lives?

In this class Ameriga will explore the possibility that our suffering is a product of not being aware of our spiritual purpose.
Indeed, most of us limit our existence to the realm of the material world. 
Thus, we think that our purpose in this life is security, or maybe success, a shiny career, money, sex and power. 
Despite having countless examples of people who have reached those goals and don’t seem to be any happier, we are all striving in the pursuit of more material abundance. This should not be surprising, as our society leads us in that direction.
Until something happens that makes us wake up. 
That event is NOT meeting a guru, or completing a 200 hrs Yoga teacher training program. 
The truth bomb is: that something that can kickstart your spiritual evolution is the event that until now you judged as the worst thing that has ever happened to you
Bring a journal and pen to write and contemplate a new spiritual perspective with practical examples. 
The second part of the class will get sweaty. 

Price: 70.- for the first 10 bookings then 80.-

About Ameriga
Ameriga is an eclectic teacher from Sicily (Italy) who has been teaching internationally for almost 10 years. Her journey as a seeker started when she was 18 and decided to study Oriental Languages and Cultures at the University. She found many of the answers she was looking for in Taoism and Buddhism, and begun to practice vipassana meditation, alongside spending her life living in all the continents and having multiple different careers.
A few years later she discovered postural yoga, and begun to explore the Western world of spirituality and self-development, quenching her tremendous thirst for knowledge by studying with some incredible teachers (Shiva Rea, Meghan Currie, Gregor Maehle and Jo Phee, just to name a few), completing a Master’s degree in Yoga Studies, becoming a Life-Coach, Master NLP practitioner and ultimately studying Mind-Body Therapy and Astrology.
Alongside being so immersed in the study of spirituality, Ameriga moves around the world according to the seasons and the changes in nature. When she is in Europe she lives in a van, often parked in natural spots where she can rock-climb and kitesurf, and is now in Switzerland to enjoy the mountains on her snowboard. Most of her retreats and trainings are hosted in Sicily, Portugal and India.