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Body Poetry Yoga 50hr Teacher Training : Metta with Lara Zilibowitz

Started on 22 juin 2023Duration 4 daysCost 1'100.- (Early bird 950 FR.-)


“When you touch one thing with deep awareness, you touch everything.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

The invitation

Join internationally touring yoga teacher and transpersonal art therapist Lara Zilibowitz for an illuminating training into the deeper dimensions of yoga asana.

Through embodied philosophy we will wake up to the shimmering and dancing world of our subtle bodies, learning how to see and feel asana as a doorway into energetic aliveness and embodied freedom.

We will be helping one other feel the fullest potential of our practice via skilful and attuned touch, as we learn the art of deep listening and energetic hands-on assists.

The truth is, we all have healing hands. We simply need to re-awaken and re-member this primary vocabulary of connection and intimacy that for many of us lies dormant within.

Together we will realise that when we focus our awareness on another human with the intention to help open, heal, release energetic blockages, unstick physical tension… in addition to supporting technical outer alignment… the effect can be transformative.

 Who is this training for?

This training is ideal for yoga teachers and passionate students yearning to have meaningful conversations with all beings, including Self, beyond words.

The takeaways

– Deepen knowledge of structural and energetic alignment within asana, understanding the difference between outer movements and inner energetic actions

– Embody the power and grace of the vayus (directions of prana) in your practice and in your teaching, learning how to offer sensitive and attuned hands-on assists to wake up the map of the subtle body

– Become confident and skilful with energetice hands-on assists for most beginner and intermediate asanas, including learning how to coach and spot inversions, safely hold space for yourself and your students to realise their fullest potential

– Build confidence assisting vinyasa flow and asana transitions – becoming a servant to the flow of prana, learning to dance with the breath, and to keep the pulse alive within the practice.

– Embody the profound philosophy of transfiguration within Tantra, learning to hold space with a lens of unconditional love and compassion, and remembering Yoga as a practice of seeing the source of Love within all

– Learning and embodying a 45-minute Zen Thai Shiatsu savasana bodywork sequence that you’ll be able to take home to share with students and loved ones.


About Lara

Yoga teacher, artist, soul pilgrim and body poet

I am dedicated to the path of embodied curiosity, of descending inside, with our breath as a guide, to look for treasures…
For this body of ours is an extraordinary alchemical vessel filled with so much magic and meaning, and it is forever awaiting for the fire of our presence in order to transmute any struggle and metabolise any stress into embodied wisdom and mental freedom.

For me, this is the heart of Yoga, and true meditative awareness, a welcoming of ourselves full-spectrum to practice, showing up empty of agenda with a willingness to befriend ourselves and get to know ourselves on a deep and true level.

This Tantric approach has been radical medicine in my personal journey working with over a decade of post traumatic stress symptoms of somatic anxiety and insomnia. Learning to trust the intelligence of my body as a potent source of power, creativity and healing, not to mention abundant pleasure. This realisation has become my life passion and purpose.

My dedication therefore as a facilitator and guide for others is to invite you to feel that embodied curiosity is actually the purest form of self-love there is, and an opportunity for you to reset into wellbeing.


Lara’s teaching style is at once earthy & heart-fully poetic, inviting us to sink our roots deep within the earth, in order to power up and out. Lara is a force of nature and holds space with charisma, deep knowledge & (com)passion. The beauty of the work is in the invitation to journey from student-receptivity to the courage and luminosity of teaching yoga.  If you want to discover the beauty & liberation of true yoga, so much more than mere exercise, drop everything & sign up to this course! 

William Simpson, Writer & Body Poetry Yoga Teacher

The Body Poetry Yoga Teacher Training was the most amazing experience. I now see yoga in a much different light. I have always known that there is a lot more to the poses than just the physical aspect but have never really understood how and what that is.
Lara has put together an incredible training that dives deep into energetics and aliveness, giving us the language and understanding to teach what we all feel so deeply inside to be true but have not had the words.
Thank you Lara from the bottom of my heart, I am so grateful to have you as a teacher and mentor. Your ability to hold space for so many to share and be seen is such a super power. Thank you for welcoming us all with so much love and grace.”

Catherine Pampallis, yoga teacher & embodiment guide


From June 22 to 25  Approx. time: from 9am to 5pm

  • Fr 950.- early bird until May 22
  • Fr 1’100.- from May 23
It does not include accomodation or meals
Note : participation in this training extends a discount to Lara’s foundational Body Poetry Yoga online training SPANDA ~ Embodying Energetics in May

Travel tips

If you’re travelling from abroad and need tips about transportation and acomodation in Switzerland you can reach out to Nadine and Sofia